Mainly Networking, SDN, Automation, Datacenter and OpenStack as an overlay for my life

Sunday, March 19, 2017

All Flash Array: vendor hype vs business needs

Past month I was involved in a project to test the performance of several All Flash Array boxes, let's call them AFAs, since it is expected to start delivering new class of services (and SLA?) to customers.

Being in a R&D team gives you the opportunity to know the whole part of the story, you start with sales pitch, then the pre-sales *not-so-technical and at the end you break a box in a PoC and you end with real engineers which explains you the details of his architecture and why they don't support what you just test (but it was on the sales pitch, right?)

What I do want to remark here is the relation between vendor hype and business needs. AFA can brings you an outstanding performance in amount of IOPS, latency, compression, and so on... but the point is, what do you really need?. In any architecture design you are supposed to deliver a solution that mets technical requirements + business requirements/needs.  In AFA this could be quite tricky since if you don't have a clear understanding on your business needs you're going to be pushed to an unfair or un-precise comparison.

So, what about technical requirements?

I've faced two kinds of scenarios for the AFA deployment. The easier was the deploy of a new infrastructure aimed to fulfill specific requirements for an application suite, this is always the best case scenario for an architect since you can gather technical requirements easily including not only actual requirements bur also a forecast for upcoming demands. As you may know there are not all pink elephants, and the other well seen scenario is to move a current deployment to an AFA solution.
In the latter case you have to take a huge amount of considerations in order to do the planning accordingly, I can summarize the following:

  • Amount of IOPS: This is something that you can see a lot, and is completely wrong, since what is 1K IOPS? Which block size? which read/write ratio?
  • Amount of IOPS based on a given IO distribution which includes block size and read/write ratio of each of those. Getting this numbers can be significant hard, most of current arrays have the information of all the workloads they had run, this is amazing for getting the IO distribution per block size plus rd/wr ratios but assumes that you are running similar workloads all day long (i.e. consistent distribution of a given set like 30K IOPS @4k 65/35, 15K IOPS @8k 60/40.. and so on, but what about the nightly jobs? when your performance gets affected with backup jobs?)
  • Expected  and maximum latency: Based on application + OS/Guest OS needs 
  • Expected compression ratio (for your data set!)
  • HA and expected performance in contingency
  • Network based (NFS), IP based (iSCSI) or FC? 
  • Disk replacement policy and MTBF/MTTF

Ok, but where is the vendor Hype?

Well, quick answer is everywhere you get a sales/pre-sales engineer talking, but to be targeted to the topic I've found solutions that claims in a  single Box 100K IOPS @32K block size.... easy math here is to ask them how many IOPS did they support in the case of 4/8K if they reach that at 32, also how many bandwidth did they expect?

How can I test performance an avoid being seduced by pink elephants?

When we begin the test process we aim at a huge amount of VMs with RDM to the array but later we figured it out that there is no way to do such, with few VMs with lot of disk in each you can easily setup a quick test.
For the testing procedure and consideration IDC has written a good recap in theirs "All - Flash Array Performance Testing Framework" and also there is a Tool made by EMC engineers to test arrays called "AFA PoC Toolkit" which setups a few VMs under vmware host, connect the host to the LUNs of the array then makes RDM and set up VDBench on the VMs.
I do recommend using this approach by changing the parameters on VDB files to meet your requirements. Also there is one caveat with that Toolkit and is that in only runs with EMC XtremIO, I've made several changes to be able to run it against PureStorage boxes and i'm doing the changes to be able to test against SolidFire too. In a later post we will discuss design considerations for an AFA platform and the testing tools plus results for each vendor (We're testing PureStorage, EMC XtremeIO, NetApp SolidFire)

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Article By: Ariel Liguori

CCIE DC #55292 / VCIX-NV / JNCIP "Network Architect mainly focused on SDN/NFV, Openstack adoption, Datacenter technologies and automations running on top of it :) "

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